Ambitious? We are your Business Sherpas,
We get it; making a dream can be emotionally tiring and sometimes lonely.
Fortunately, my partner-in-crime and I got married to each other!
We are passionate about how Innovation can be used to address Growth Challenges - the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
Over the last decade, we have created and applied our Innovation Frameworks to various challenges. Previously, we Co-founded Metaresults, where we led over 50 innovation projects for mid-sized & Fortune 1000 companies with over $10 million in results. We also Co-founded a social enterprise Alchemy, that enabled over 850 educated unemployed to get jobs and increase their family's income by an average of 58%.
Now let me ask, what is your dream?
We aim to be a dreamer's best friend and a "Sherpa," if you will. While passion drives us, we need a clear-eyed view of your business. Together, we will look at what systems are missing and what mindsets are getting in the way and systematically build what's needed to accelerate momentum and hit new growth goals.
What's your new growth milestone? $100K (1 Cr.) or 1 million/Client?